Sunday 22 October 2017

A Sailor Went To Sea | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

The Bath Song | Original Kids Song | Super Simple Songs

One Potato, Two Potatoes | Super Simple Songs

The Bananas Song | Counting Bananas | Super Simple Songs

CONTINGUTS 6è Primària - 1r Trimestre

. Wh-questions. When, why, how, what, where, who. Wh + to be. Wh + present simple.
. Food. Vocabulary + Cooking verbs + Utensils + Linking words + Containers & Quantity.
. Adverbs of frequency. How often do you...?
. Comparative / Superlative. Adjectives.
. Object / Subject pronouns.
. Halloween.
. Christmas.
CONTINGUTS 5è Primària - 1r Trimestre

. Weather. It's stormy, partly cloudy, freezing, thundering... When it's... I can/wear/like/go...
. Clothes & School uniforms. Verb "wearing".
. Physical appearance. What do you look like? What does he/she look like? I've got... I haven't got... He/she has got... He/she hasn't got....
. Family. Uncle, auntie, daughter, son, husband, wife....
. Present Simple Affirmative - Negative - Question.
. Action verbs. Present Continuous.
. Halloween.
. Christmas.

CONTINGUTS 4t Primària - 1r Trimestre

. School verbs / Expressions.
. Emotions. How do you feel? I'm excited, proud, shy...
. Action verbs. Hug, listen, blow, jump... Present simple affirmative & Like, really like, love, don't like, hate + ing.
. Sports. I like... I don't like... He/she likes... He/she doesn't like... I prefer + ing... He/she prefers + ing.
. Halloween.
. Christmas.
CONTINGUTS 3r Primària - 1r Trimestre

. Classroom Rules.
. Classroom Language
. Greetings & Farewells.
. Numbers 21-100.
. Months of the year.
. Days of the week.
. School objects. It's a (red) (folder). Have you got a...? Yes, I have - No, I haven't.
. School Rooms.
. Halloween.
. Feelings. How are you feeling? I'm surprised, scared, worried...
. Clothes. What is he/she wearing? He/she's wearing...
. Christmas.

CONTINGUTS 2n Primària - 1r Trimestre

. Numbers 1-20 & Colours. There are (three) (red) balloons.
. Days of the week.
. School subjects. I've got... on...
. Weather. What's the weather like today? It's...
. Seasons.
. Halloween.
. Feelings. I'm/He-She's.... happy, sad, scary, funny.
. Face and body. I've got... I haven't got... Have you got...?
. Toys. What would you like for Christmas? I would like a...
. Christmas.

. Introductions / greetings (What's your name? How old are you? How are you?)
. Colours
. Numbers 1-10.
. Weather. What's the weather like today? It's sunny, cloudy...
. School objects. It's a (red) (ruler). I have a...
. Halloween.
. Toys. It's a (doll, scooter....). Can I have a..., please?
. Christmas.

Hi parents!

Vos inform que a través de les etiquetes (no hi haurà subblocs com vos vaig dir) de cada curs hi aniré posant una pinzellada dels continguts que treballarem durant aquest trimestre a les classes d'anglès!

Have a nice week!

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Hi! I'm Yolanda, the English teacher!

Ja hem arrancat el curs 2017-18! Enguany, com ja sabeu, a l'àrea d'anglès feim feina sense un llibre de text específic. Es treballen els continguts proposats per aquest curs escolar a través de material divers (fitxes, contes, cançons, jocs, audios, etc).

Als subblocs que hi teniu al menú (Infant Education, Level 1, Level 2) hi trobareu algunes de les activitats o cançons que anam fent...

We hope to have a wonderful year!